Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debate 1: Obama supporters disappointed

First off, I wouldn't say that I'm a die-hard Obama supporter (I wanted Hillary, after Joe and John dropped out), but I am excited about Obama now.

I was disappointed by the debate. I thought the winner was John McCain, hands down. I was looking for a knockout punch like the rest of them. Short of that, I wanted to see Obama become a little scrappy in a righteous sort of way. The facts and right answers were on his side, but trying to feel objective, I felt he didn't push the presidential factor enough. He was thoughtful, and in command of the facts, but there were definitely points he should have scored in a more direct way.

When McCain talked about cutting spending, Obama should have hit him hard on areas where spending shouldn't be cut, and where taxes shouldn't be cut. Why wasn't our record deficit mentioned?

Well, it was a foreign policy debate. I get it. But Obama could have easily knocked McCain down a few more notches. I think it's a question of style. I hope Obama can break out of his well-exposed character and show a little more steel.

Funny thing, I don't think as an Obama supporter I'm alone in my assessment of his performance. I think quite a few of us thought McCain won. I'm pleased that the media doesn't see it that way, but I wonder if that just illustrates that they're no longer in the tank for McCain. That would be good. Maybe I don't have to hold my breath any longer.

Let's hope Obama doesn't rest on his laurels over this. He needs to stay aggressive and take this all the way to end.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thank God for Sarah Palin!

I don't know if it has dawned on anyone, but there in fact, is a testament to the foreign policy experience of GOP Vice President nominee Sarah Palin.

What, you ask? Think about it...

Russia has not attacked us in the 21 months that Sarah Palin has been governor of Alaska. Some say the fact that Sarah Palin is governor makes that more inevitable. I say they're wrong. If it were truly inevitable, they would have attacked by now. I mean, look at what they did to Georgia and Chechnya! What stopped an expansionist Russian foray into the northwestern wilderness?

Ice? Give me a break! The ice has been receding and you know it. I'll tell you what. Governor Sarah Palin, that's what.

Thank God for Sarah Palin and her foreign policy experience!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Lost my head, but now I'm back

As the Democrats took over in November of 2006, it seemed a little pointless to continue posting, since most of what I had to say concerned my opposition to Republican policies and antics.

I could rant about the "spineless" Democrats, but let's face it, even at their worst, they've been better than Republican rule in the House and Senate. And one does have to realize that the Democrats haven't really had a majority in the Senate... they can set the agenda, but that's as far as they can really take it.

Thank goodness for a Presidential election because we get to see the Republicans at it again.

See the entry for "Grand Old Party" here: