That's right. It's done. The damage to Kerry from the SwiftBoat Vets has played itself out. Kerry has survived the vitriolic attacks over his Vietnam war experience. It is becoming clear to many that the attacks against John Kerry have always been personal in nature. With more and more facts coming to light, it's clear that very few of these veterans have any substantial evidence to support their claims. John Kerry, on the other hand, has a wealth of evidence - both in witnesses and documentation that support his version of the events - with one exception: his assertions of being in Cambodia over Christmas in 1968. Of all of the accusations brought against him, this is one that he has been unable to completely refute. Whether it matters in the larger scheme of things remains an issue only the voters can answer.
The SWIFTBoat Veterans for Truth have attacked a man because they resented his anti-war efforts and testimony before Congress. Their resentment towards Kerry right or wrong has been exposed as the motivation behind the attacks. Even as the head of the group John O'Neill is attacking Kerry, he's made it clear that George Bush hasn't earned his respect either.
Unfortunately, the Bush campaign has made the mistake of not publicly distancing themselves from O'Neill and his SWIFTVets. In the long run, that may hurt Bush as people realize, now that potency of the SWIFTVet message has died, Bush never took the opportunity to stand on the side of truth.
Any further accusations against Kerry are quickly becoming empty shells of rhetoric, inflicting no more damage than what has already been done.