The Bush idea of pro-business means that his Administration is:
1) Anti-Science - they've ignored or suppressed universally accepted hard scientific facts (from emissions, global warming, and chemical dumping) to tilt policy towards large corporate contributors;
2) anti-Environment - Bush's energy and environmental policies are destroying protections that have preserved America's natural resources for nearly thirty years;
3) Anti-Middle Class - The Bush tax cuts have resulted in tax relief for the very wealthy, and for the middle class at the federal level, but have created huge state fund deficits that end up costing the middle class taxpayer more in property taxes, usage fees, and other regressive taxes. The tax burden on the middle class has actually significantly increased in every single one of the fifty states;
4) Anti-Military - Bush's Pentagon policies are tilted towards large defense contracts with the result of ignoring or eliminating more basic military personnel protections (body armor) and weapons. The Bush War machine has counted on being able to fight wars with technology instead of manpower. This under-funded military policy has created a considerably more dangerous environment for our fighting men and women who are deployed.
5) Anti-Conservation - oil prices have a direct effect on the cost-of-living for every single American. Those at the lower end of the economic field are being severely hurt by oil prices, affecting family balance sheets. The Bush Administration's avoidance of modernizing power plants, mills, and fuel efficiency standards mean that we're all more dependent upon foreign oil than we should be.
Each one of these issues has a direct bearing on you and me. It's essential that we make the right choice in November, or the damage is going to be that much harder to recover from.
Don't Support Bush. He's been bad for America. He does not deserve four more years.