GOPers on here point to the overwhelming defeat of the bill as evidence that the Democrats won't even stand with their own, or that they don't even hold to their convictions.
Funny thing, only the GOP sheep see things that way. The rest of the country and the world saw a display of scared, nervous Republicans trying to push back against the tide of American frustration with the war effort, the mismanagement of the Bush Administration, and the head-in-the-sand politics of the GOP.
On political blogs is this display in its full regalia. Republicans deride Democrats for a lack of spine because they didn't vote to sink the ship when all that was called for was schedule for decommission. It was just another example of how Republicans can't engage in a conversation anymore. They must simply attack anyone who offers a different view of things.
Well, America was watching. We now have the final proof of the priorities of these Republicans -- they don't care about the troops, about what's best for America, only their own rhetoric and political self-worth. The world saw a shameful stunt, and only GOPers thought it was a brilliant move.
Yes, America was watching and while most didn't like what they saw, there was a sigh of relief. Here was a welcome sign that Republicans were going to begin their immediate withdrawal in November 2006, ushered out by the voting public.