This argument is absolutely absurd. Saddam is a megalomaniac with delusions of holiness, but he isn't suicidal. Neither are North Korea, China, Russia and the other nuclear powers. Every one knows very well that launching a nuclear attack against the United States would trigger an extremely swift response that would devastate the aggressor. This war cannot be justified.
That Saddam would have the capability to launch a nuclear weapon at the United States much less develop one for such an attack are nothing more than fabrications by the administration to justify launching a "winnable" war, one that will provide Bush a hollow victory in light of his utter failure to win a war on terrorism. Pre-emptive strike? For crying out loud, this is the United States of America. We've been the one country that is supposed to set an ideal example for the rest of the world on how to be a beneficial participant to the human community. Are we now supposed to be the abusive parent?
Every action by this administration seems to be an attempt to orchestrate global anti-American sentiment (and terrorism) just so it has something to respond to. It helps sustain Bush's popularity ratings. Perhaps it is meant to illustrate Bush's ability to function in the global arena, thereby disproving the negative press prior to his presidential appointment. Funny thing is, the harder he tries, the more he fails.