Tuesday, July 18, 2006

An embarassment of leadership

First, Newt Gingrich tells us that we're in World War III (thinking, of course, that framing the explosion of conflict in the Middle East between US forces and Iraqi insurgents, Sunnis and Shiites, and now Israel and Lebanon/Hizbollah will make it politically expedient for the GOP to remain in power) What Gingrich fails to realize is that most Americans are well aware of how dire the future would be if America had to depend upon the Bush Administration's leadership during such a global conflict.

I've never liked Newt Gingrich, but I always respected his intelligence -- until I realized that he's absolutely lost his marbles. I suppose a telling sign is that he is trying to be a 2008 Presidential candidate -- that should have tipped me off. But this notion that framing the war on terror, the occupation of Iraq, and the escalation of hostilities between Israel and Hamas and Israel and Hizbollah as World War III is not only a stretch (at least we hope so) but just plain silly in terms of a political strategy.

But let's take Newt at his word -- World War III is upon us. The once great nation of the United States of America was in days past, a beacon of freedom and high moral clarity. The United States was the most (certainly not truest) altruistic superpower in the world. Where is the United States today?

We don't have a leg to stand on. Not only do we have a credibility vacuum in the global scheme of things, but now we've got a leader who appears to be a buffoon to the entire rest of the world. We've got a man who has proudly proclaimed his intention of exporting Democracy to one of the most troubled areas, but by force and through some of the most breathtaking incompetence ever imagine. The Iraq democracy has become a sad joke to the rest of the world. The very notion of which is sufficient to publicly ridicule Bush -- the "man with vision" (as Russia's Putin did in front of a chuckling audience of world leaders and representatives). We've got a man who uses diplomatic presence to talk about roast pig, a man who (as leader of what used to be the world's most influential nation) is now saying that "they" need to talk to Syria and get Hizbollah to "stop this sh*t". Bush is from Texas and a plain speaking man. The fact that he used the word sh*t is entirely trivial and unimportant. More important is that he is abbrogating the traditional role of the U.S. President to broker (if not peace) a cessation of hostilities between Israel and her many enemies. Bush is clearly not up to the task, and as such, talks about an external "they" as having the means and diplomatic channels to effect such a change. Bush is content to play second fiddle to Kofi Annan of the United Nations.

Dr. Annan has always pursued diplomacy as is wont of his position. But for the first time in many, many years, we are seeing a second rate President of the United States, who not only doesn't appear to care too terribly much about what is happening in the world, but seems at all unable to do anything about it -- unable to function in his traditional role.

Bush is, was, always has been a PR man. In my opinion, that is what his presidency is all about. Real issues, reality, and the integration of American policy within the global community are simply beyond his abilities and competence. And sadly, for the United States, he's been given two terms. Well, five years later, it's plain to see to all but the most die-hard fans of Bush, that this Administration has actually created a climate of conflict and aggression in many parts of the world. The Cowboy Diplomacy, as it has been described, has been an utter and incontrovertible failure. The world is not safer -- not because of September 11, but because of the Bush Adminstration's ineffective and misguided response to September 11. The war on Terror isn't about defeating terrorists. It's about profiting by propping up the military-industrial-energy alliance to the detriment of America's influence abroad, and especially the the troops who are nothing more than necessary sacrifices in the pursuit of profit.

Bush's foreign policy ineptness is coming home to roost. America is not only far less influential than it has been in the last fifty years, it is also becoming a laughing stock because of the embarassing buffoon who is the current "leader of the free world." God help America. It's appearing more and more that America is absolutely devoid of leadership.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Democrats and the White Flag

There it is... the same old tired argument about how the Democrats want to cut and run. I'll tell you one thing. Even though, that isn't the Democrat position, if it were actually distilled down to it, cutting and running is probably a lot smarter than simply keeping America's youth in Iraq for target practice.

There's a lot of good being done by our troops in Iraq, but the amount of progress is, unfortunately, being negated day by day as the country slips further into anarchy and civil disintegration. Even our embassy in Iraq says that the situation is showing fewer signs of being able to develop into a secure and democratic Iraq. That's OUR embassy, folks -- our government.

The choice of the Democrats in Iraq is not a white flag. Sadly, that appears to be their choice in politics here in the states. For every report that the "left wing" of the democratic party is trying to hijack the party, I have to ask...if a vast majority of independents are opposed to the war, does that mean that all independents are therefore liberals? Why are the Democrats afraid of stating their position forcefully? With the exception of Jack Murtha, and I suppose John Kerry (who probably feels safe letting Murtha take the brunt of the invective) most Democrats are still too timid to call the Bush Administration on their FAILED POLICY. Why they want to let Karl Rove beat them into submission time and time again is beyond me. Perhaps Hillary, Maria Cantwell and Joe Lieberman are wiser than many Democrats give them credit. If the other Democrats won't stand up and tout their differences with the status quo (or the retarded "stay the course" strategy) then the only other option is to deflate Karl Rove's accusation that Democrats are weak on national security by making themselves appear to be Republicans. It shouldn't be that way.

Ask our servicemen and women. What do they think? Recently, increasing numbers of reports state that most Representatives who are in contact with our troops are reporting more and more that our troops see the objective failing in Iraq and want to get the hell out of there. It's true. Jack Murtha didn't come to his conclusion because he woke up one day and decided to oppose the Bush plan. Murtha had the goddamned CURIOSITY to learn what was going on, and decided that the current situation is insanity. Contrary to Rove, Bush, Cheney and yes, even Rumsfeld, Murtha has the credibility and the honest-to-goodness entitlement to state his position. He's seen war, he's seen the current command, he knows what he's talking about.

Until the Iraqis understand and see proof that America is leaving them to run and support their own country, will they take the reins of the country. If America's involvement is open-ended, what motivation do Iraqis have to take matters into their own hands?

Lastly, if independents and sensible moderate Democrats (AND cloth-coat Republicans) see this war as a now-unwinnable mistake that is costing us billions and the lives of our young Americans, that isn't the left wing of the Democratic party. That's mainstream America. We already know the Republicans won't listen. If the Democrats continue to shy away from their constituents and the will of the people, then they can all go to hell, knowing they've let the entire nation down. They are the only hope for this rubber stamp, do-nothing Congress. But it sure looks like they're going to blow it once again.

Democrats will wave the White Flag in Politics. Republicans may carry the day, but they've already practically sealed America's future ruin. There isn't a child alive today who won't feel the oppression of years of bad economic health, thanks to the corrupt, power-drunk, spend-happy Republicans of today.