Tuesday, May 03, 2005

UK and US Had PreWar Plans

The bottomless capacity for subterfuge by the Bush Administration would be amusing or laughable if it didn't result in the loss of lives, billions of dollars, and the United State's stature in the world community.

We learn now that there were secret meetings between Downing Street and Bush's Cabinet in July of 2002 that fixed upon a determination to go after Saddam Hussein militarily.

Here's the clinker: [...intelligence and facts were being fixed around policy].

We have the Bush Administration acting exactly like Third World warlords, and (if I were a betting man) most of the public will probably be completely okay with that. Or at least, the media will fail to accurately portray the dishonest and political implications of how this Administration operated -- including timing the military action announcements to coincide with the midterm elections.

This is truly shameful. Just like EVERYTHING ELSE embraced by this Administration.

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