Tuesday, October 19, 2004

War on Terror vs. The Iraq War

I'm afraid we can't all agree that the Iraq war is part of the war on terror. To see and illustration of exactly how a lot of us feel, see yesterday's David Horsey cartoon in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. It pretty much says it all. Here's the link:


The War in Iraq is a distraction. It is taking more and more effort to keep things from slipping into a bloody civil war. True, there are terrorists there, but they're not the same terrorists that would attack the U.S. on our soil. U.S. Intelligence says the same. In fact, most experts agree that going into Iraq began was a noble mission, but miscalculations and insufficient post-war planning have completely sabotaged the objective and created a bigger danger to U.S. interests than existed before.

The whole time our military is being engaged in Iraq, the rest of the world is becoming bolder and bolder, realizing that we're overextended and focused on Iraq.

So to say the war in Iraq is part of the war on Terror, is correct only in that the Iraq war is greatly benefitting the wrong side in the War on Terror.

If this is just liberal thinking, then we must have an abundance of liberals in the CIA, DIA, FBI and NSA. Who'd have guessed?

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