Wednesday, July 07, 2004

WMD in IRAQ????

You see? This is what I'm talking about!

If the Bush Administration was led down the wrong path by the CIA, why did they allow the looting? If Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, the lack of Pentagon and Bush Administration leadership on the ground situation in Iraq might have been the match that lit the fuse of our destruction.

The Pentagon's incompetence put our country in very grave danger.

To me this blows away the protection afforded the Bush Administration by the upcoming criticism of the CIA's WMD intelligence. Regardless if the CIA fed Bush good or bad information, the fact that the Bush Administration "stood by" (and Rummy dismissed the looting as "natural after the fall of a repressive regime", or words to that effect) while all of this was going on is reason enough to cry "foul" on the execution of his "war on terror".

Furious? I sure am.

1 comment:

BD said...

Youre not the only one dude!