Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Blame where blame isn't due.

Give it a rest, will all of you? There is so much fiction behind the Sudanese connection, but it is their only defense of the absolute bungling of this "War on Terror" that our fearless leader likes to speak of. So Clinton turned his back on Mansoor Ijaz, an opportunist, putting "noble and altruistic" objectives far in front of any business objectives, and thereby gave up a chance to capture Usama Bin Laden. Republican conspiracy enthusiasts throw this up every chance they get.

A couple of things to say about that: The world was different then, (pre 9/11), and diplomacy was the standard. Don't blame Clinton for behaving like a leader of the free world. Secondly, post 9/11, George W. Bush had the entire world behind him, NATO BEGGING to assist us in against the Taliban in Afghanistan. (Of course, Cowboy George said, 'No thanks') Diplomacy took a back seat, and at that time, the rest of the world approved. What happened to Usama Bin Laden? With all of our resources and international support,where the f--- did he go?

Don't talk about Clinton's dereliction of duty. The greater dereliction is this foolish and COUNTERPRODUCTIVE war in Iraq, distracting us while UBL has been allowed to re-organize in the anarchic hills of Afghanistan.

Give me a damn break!

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